
Aside from contributing to an ongoing collection of writing that can be found on this personal blog, the following is a list of my other writings or other websites that I contribute to:

1.     The Giant's Causeways - My biggest writing accomplishment so far has been writing my play, The Giant's Causeways, and having it staged during the Frigid Festival in New York City, with all 5 shows sold out 1 week before opening night.  The writing and production received very positive reviews.

2.      EatClub - A website completely dedicated to the social interactions revolved around, and occasional review of, foods and restaurants all over the world.  Eatclub is about food and people:

3.     A Wheeley Good Cheese Blog - 52 Cheeses in 2 years? Can we do it? An ongoing collaborative effort with "Brucie Cheese" to explore, taste, and review cheese from around the world...because somebody had to attempt it.

4.     LoveBites - I have loved baking ever since I was little and could finally mix the cookie dough with a wooden spoon without the aid of an adult and LoveBitesCookies is my creative project to help combine fun eating with desserts and a healthy lifestyle.

5.     YELP - My reviews of the places I think are worth trying or worth skipping.